Twitter Reacts To Reaction Of Twitter Reacting To Something



MANY media publications and the world itself are said to be on the verge of destruction after a poorly thought out article involving the copy and pasting of tweets has ripped a hole in the very fabric of space and time.

“It appears a journalist at your ‘Daily Edge’ was compiling some tweets to do a ‘Twitter reacts to’ article,” explained, concerned astrophysicist Rupert Von Smaults, “but had not realised those whose tweets she was copying and pasting in an effort to win the Pulitzer prize were actually a reaction to a previous ‘Twitter reacts to’ story. It is messy and complicated, but the dangers of such an act have been known for years.”

Buzzfeed and its acolytes have criticised the Daily Edge for the impending destruction it has caused.

“Everyone knows you draw the line at ‘Twitter reacts to 43 gifs of dogs licking their arseholes’ that clearly outlined in our journalistic handbook,” explained Buzzfeed founder Jonah Peretti. Unbeknownst to the Daily Edge journalist, her ‘Twitter reacts to reaction of Twitter’s reaction to Twitter reacting to something’ had defied the laws of physics and ultimately resulted in the shifting on its axis with his new orbit sending us on a crash course with the sun while simultaneously creating the universe’s largest black hole.

The article which admittedly did an exceptional job of amassing as many as 20 tweets of Twitter users reacting to some news or other has now been the subject of intense criticism.

“We knew journalism would eat itself, but did it have to destroy all of mankind in the process,” asked concerned citizen Mark Holohan on Twitter.

“We defend our member’s right to spend countless hours scanning through celebrity’s Twitter accounts and prominent hashtags and then go on to call that journalism,” explained NUJ member John Fallon.

While it is unclear if the end of mankind can be averted, Professor Von Smaults is now attempting to write a Twitter reaction article to the controversy in the hope of reversing the damage.
