A Quinn Family Member Dies A Little Inside Every 5 Seconds Says Concern At Launch Of New Campaign


A QUINN family member will die a little inside every five seconds, according to Concern, which is launching a new campaign aimed at boosting morale in the Cavan based dynasty in time for Christmas.

The Irish charities eight week ‘Quinn for the win’ campaign aims to raise awareness about the sadness within the Quinn family unit during the tough Christmas period ahead.

Concern CEO Tom Arnold told WWN that this year is expected to be the worst so far for the Quinn’s, stating one in ten family members will die a little inside every five seconds.

The new figures rocked their home-town of Ballyconnell in county Cavan yesterday, where a massive seven thousand people came out to show support for the Quinns.

Fallen tycoon Sean senior burst into tears at the public rally like a big girls blouse, proving he was indeed dying a little inside at the time.

Concern’s new campaign will be rolled out nationwide this week and expects to raise over ten million euro over the next two months.

RTE will televise a special three day ‘Quinnathon’ in December hosted by various Irish celebrities who will volunteer their time to present the 78 hour live show.

“All proceeds of the telethon and the campaign will go directly into the Quinn family Christmas appeal.” said the Concern CEO.

Yesterday daughter Ciara Quinn told the rally of supporters that the money will be put to good use, stating there are ‘plenty of golf tournaments and race meetings to attend over the festive season’.

“There is nothing free in this life.” she added.
