Writing About Celebrities Tweeting Now 90% Of Journalists’ Job


A RECENT study carried out by the NUJ (National Union of Journalists) revealed that the majority of journalists today spend most of their time aimlessly staring at celebrity twitter accounts.

They do so to create what is deemed to be called ‘news’, providing countless media outlets with important content.

This latest news comes as yet another blow to a profession struggling to define itself in the internet age.

Many of the reading public have expressed their distaste at the perceived lack of in depth and illuminating journalism that was once a feature in a great many publication.

The NUJ defended the new journalistic practices in a statement accompanying the latest study.

“As the public knows the definition of ‘news’ was recently changed by the heads of the world’s media outlets. ‘News’ now means ‘any inane tweet, picture or social media utterance by a celebrity which will be given ample column inches and/or air time.”

This means the future media landscape will continue to be dotted with Rihanna’s instagram pictures, every movement of the royal baby’s life and tell-all tales from people who sleep with famous people.

This latest study is welcome ‘news’ to those individuals worried civil wars and pressing societal issues would take up the space meant to be occupied by celebrity tweets in news publications.
