Housemates Passive Aggressive Notes Lead To Dishwasher Stand Off


A MAJOR crisis is on the brink of occurring just outside Limerick City this evening as 3 friends spiral uncontrollably towards the destruction of their friendship.

Ciara, Kate and Siobhan, tenants in a 3-bed house on Church Road, are locked in a battle which will see the first to blink filling and then emptying the dishwasher.

A normally calm house was thrown into chaos when Ciara came upon an anonymous post-it note on the dishwasher which read ‘Ciara, it’s your turn!’ Ciara, with no history of prior pettiness, took to crossing her name out and replacing it with Siobhan’s.

The three nurses found themselves in a perfect storm of not catching each other as they began their shifts at University Hospital Limerick and being overworked thus creating a passive aggressive minefield in the house.

Kate, admittedly stubborn, escalated the tension after finding some dirty dishes on her bed accompanied with the note ‘I believe these are yours’.

She chose to wear that bitch Siobhan’s blue dress out that night knowing she wasn’t allowed to borrow it. Ciara tagged Siobhan in a photo of Kate wearing her dress the little shit stirrer.

Despite never raising their voices to one another during the standoff neighbours were worried enough by what they saw to alert the Gardaí.

More to follow as we get it….
