Waterford Woman Keeps Thinking Today Is Friday


A COUNTY Waterford woman said that she keeps thinking today is Friday, and not Thursday, as it says on the universal calendar of time.

Theresa Stokes claimed that she first believed it was Friday when she woke up this morning in her bed.

“I was in bed this morning when I woke up thinking it was Friday.” said the 45-year-old grandchild of four.

Mrs. Stokes didn’t realise it was actually Thursday until a neighbour corrected her earlier.

“I was just saying to Tessy Kane down the street that I was looking forward to seeing my son tomorrow on his day off.” she explained. “but I was taken aback when Tessy asked why my son didn’t work on Fridays”

“Sure I nearly died when I realised it was only Thursday.”

It is believed Mrs. Stokes went through a whole  seven hours thinking it was in fact Friday, making everything she did this morning obsolete.

“Everything I did was a complete lie today and I don’t know how I’m going to explain the fish dinner to my husband.”

Sources close to the housewife say that this is the second time in just a couple of months she has made the same mistake twice.

“I remember her admitting around six weeks ago that she didn’t know what day of the week she had.” said one neighbour, who wished to remain anonymous.

Even with todays correction, the mother of three said she still feels like its Friday for some reason and hopes the weird feeling of time travel will pass over a nights sleep.

“What if I wake up tomorrow thinking its Saturday?” she asked nervously. “I don’t think I could handle being a day in front of everyone else all the time.”
