‘Shower Of Fucking Cunts’ Behind Flag Protests, Finds PSNI Report


A POLICE report into the ongoing rioting in Belfast has found that a ‘shower of fucking cunts’ are behind the protests.

PSNI Chief Constable Matt Baggott confirmed the findings and said those who are organising the riots were unemployed brain dead morons with fuck all else to do only wreck their own city.

Mr Baggott said police are trying to identify the shower of fucking cunts but it has been difficult as many of them have their cowardly faces covered.

Last Friday night, an estimated 4,000 cunts had been involved in the protests were 29 officers had been injured.

Meanwhile, Northern Ireland first minister Peter Robinson called a crisis meeting to discuss a solution to the ongoing violence across the city.

Deputy First Minister, Martin McGuinness proposed the construction of a ‘pound for stray teenagers’ – who were the majority of the flag protesters.

Much like a dog pound, Mr McGuinness said the new facility would house stray youths apprehended on the street for up to seven days. If the teenager is not claimed in that time period, it will be put down and destroyed.

The assembly is to vote on the motion later today.

Almost 100 police officers have been injured since riots began last month and parts of Belfast have been brought to a standstill by the shower of fucking cunts.

The trouble was prompted by Belfast City Council’s decision to only fly the Union flag from the City Hall on designated British days, such as the Queens birthday and on an Eastenders Christmas special.
