Jedward Overjoyed At Birth Of Surrogate Daughter


Fans of Irish pop duo Jedward congratulated them after they became parents to a beautiful baby daughter yesterday when a surrogate produced the couple’s first ever child.

Writing on Twitter, they said: “OMG!!! A baby girl! Girls are so cool. We can’t wait to bring her home and play with dolls and stuff.”

Vanilla, who weighed 6lb 9oz, is due to leave Holles street Maternity hospital on Saturday morning.

In an interview two weeks ago, John Grimes said that he was very nervous about what gender the baby may be.

“Like, I don’t know what to expect. If it’s a boy We’re gonna call him ‘Ice’ and if its a girl we’ll call her ‘Vanilla’. Vanilla in manila hahaha…we could write a song about her. That would be so awesome!

“Edward is hoping for a boy but I would prefer a girl cause my mum is a girl and I love my mum soOOOooo much.”

The Grimes twins first learned they were to become parents in September last year.

“Edward and I just finished touring and we were so tired that day. We got the text while we were sleeping in bed. I remember turning to Edward and screaming OH MY GOD we’re gonna become daddies!”

The Dublin born singers stated that “Vanilla is healthy and making horrible green poohs” and added that they were “really happy that the hard bit is over”.

It was not clear whether the birth was natural, induced or the result of an elective Caesarean. However, a source close to the couple have confirmed that both John and Edward had mixed the donated sperm before giving it to an anonymous surrogate.

John and Edward’s civil partnership was formalised in January last year and they had spoken previously of their desire to become parents, announcing that they love kids and always joked about taking one home from their audience.
