RTÉ Viewers Given Invaluable Chance To See Politicians Talk Over Each Other For 60 Minutes


VOTERS in the mythical Irish location of the Midlands-North-West hoping to turn on RTÉ last night and struggle to make out what people were saying will have been overjoyed by the latest edition of Upfront.

“This is what keeps the public’s interest in the democratic process alive and well,” said one viewer as they turned up the volume on their TV and strained make out a single soundbite delivered by a candidate standing in their European elections constituency.

Likened to trying to hear a whisper while in a blender operated by a megaphone, the debate marked the 547th televised Irish political debate in-a-row which failed to give viewers an in depth account of candidates’ policies.

“The last thing I wanted was respectful, clear and illuminating debate on the workings of the EU parliament and the policies pursued there, so I was delighted by it all, might watch it again on the player today just to see if I missed any inaudible shouting,” another relieved voter said.

Following the unmitigated farce of agitation and cross-talking, RTÉ have confirmed there’s two more debates filled with the same to come.

Elsewhere, performance artist and serial political loser Peter Casey disappeared from the debate stage for a number of minutes as part of what he called an ‘art piece signifying how MEPs disappear for five years immediately after getting elected’.
