Irishman’s Inherited Famine Trauma Not Strong Enough To Take Interest In Starving Palestinians


NEVER missing an opportunity to berate an ignorant British person over the aggravating role their homeland in the purposeful starving of his ancestors in Ireland, local man Colm O’Farron’s inherited Famine-era trauma isn’t proving strong enough to result in even a passing interest in the potential unfolding of famine in Gaza.

“Sure, as I’ve been telling it for all these years half my family either died or fled for America, awful it was. Genocide it was, and the Brits still won’t admit it today,” O’Farron has said over the years, in at least 1,238 displays of keenly observed performative anger.

However, the haunted pleading of his starving ancestors has remained largely dormant as he quickly scrolls past any mention of Gazans’ acute food insecurity on his social media feeds.

“You would think news reports about desperate starving people eating grass and drinking polluted water would strike a chord with me, given how much I lecture people after a few pints about the impact the Famine has had on centuries of Irish art, poetry, music and story, but you’d be wrong,” said O’Farron, scrolling effortlessly passed any social media posts on Gaza.

A key cornerstone to the Irish identity he has shared with any person he has ever met while traveling abroad, the Waterford man’s sense of simmering fury at such injustices has so far shown no risk of boiling over when it comes to a famine he is actually alive and present for.

“I’ve sort of tuned it out man, but it’s mad stuff I guess, dunno. Anyway, d’ya mind,” O’Farron said to a co-worker who brought up the subject, before allowing himself to get back to picking his fantasy football team for the weekend.
