First Penneys Drive-Thru Opens In Waterford


FASHION retailer Penneys has launched the company’s first ever drive-thru store in Waterford city centre today in a bid to bring even more convenience to customers wishing to make a quick purchase.

Customers will now be able to simply drive up and order low budget fashion items before moving on to a collection point with the ability to try on the clothes in the comfort of their own car.

“It’s genius really,” Waterford woman Clare Timmons spoke of the new drive-thru today while purchasing some underwear, “they even have a returns section so if these don’t fit me, I can just hand them back on the way out”.

The new drive-thru will also be open 24 hours, perfect when you need a pair of slippers or a t-shirt that disintegrates after one wash.

The drive-thru also offers a nail bar and eyebrow threading service but warned customers to keep their handbrake on during the treatment after one customer pushed on the accelerator and lost an eyebrow in the process.

“It’s great; I’ll literally get all my Xmas shopping done at 2am on Christmas morning for €15,” one stereotypical man told WWN.
