Drug Dealer Has Debt Written Off


A DUBLIN drug dealer who owed tens of thousands of euros for investments he made but lost to gardaí has had his debt written off, WWN has learned.

Tony Clear was estimated to owe over €90k for two kilos of cocaine he borrowed on the book from a local financial institution and drug cartel operating in the west Dublin region but ran into debt after gardaí discovered the stash in a nearby field, forcing him to appeal his case in the street courts.

A late-night hearing was called up the mountains and an agreement was made which granted Clear a full write off in the guise of two 9mm slugs behind the back of his ear, one of dozens off such write offs over the last 10 years.

“We’re seeing a lot of dealers getting their debts written off this way,” one source explains, “obviously it’s not fair on those who still owe large sums of money but at least they’re, you know, still alive”.

However, despite Clear being written off, his balance is expected to be passed on to his remaining family members to inherit.
