Local Gym User Just Walking Around Changing Room Bollock Naked


A BRAZEN local gym user in the changing room area of MaxFitness in Waterford is striding around ‘bollock naked’ according to reluctant eyewitnesses, WWN can confirm.

Liam Trainey, a 35-year-old sales executive, has spent much of his post-workout time in the men’s changing room, walking around with his penis flailing side to side with wild abandon, giving no thought to his surroundings.

“I’m usually a ‘get the towel around me and change out of my jocks kinda of guy’. But, this fucking guy, I’ve stared directly into this lad’s arsehole as he does some stretches and applies some deep heat,” explained shell-shocked fellow gym user Niall Murron.

While other gym users used the changing room facilities to shower, dry themselves and then change into a fresh set of clothes, Trainey, bollock naked, conducted several business phone calls and made small talk with gym patrons.

“Nah, was bursting through the squats I was, but I’m never sure my form is right. Does this look right to you,” Trainey said in an uninvited exchange with another gym user, as Trainey dropped down into a squat position several times.

Trainey, reluctant to get on with his life post-workout, has taken to standing in front of one the changing room mirrors and examining his skin for spots, blemishes and dryness.

“Ah for fuck sake,” uttered one gym user when Trainey’s euro for the gym lockers fell underneath a bench, requiring the still naked Trainey to drop to his knees and scurry around on the floor looking for it.

Elsewhere, the Waterford branch of MaxFitness suffered a 30% loss in membership today.
