These Syrian Refugees Just Nailed The Mannequin Challenge!



A GROUP of over a thousand civilians fleeing from the civil war in Syria have taken the time to pull off one of the best mannequin challenges we’ve ever seen, in a 4-minute video lighting the internet on fire right now!

The mannequin challenge, the latest craze sweeping through social media platforms at the minute, involves groups of people posing stock-still as a camera roves around them, with everyone from the Portuguese football team to Michelle Obama to a group of lads at a house party in Stillorgan taking part.

All those videos pale in comparison, however, to the epic one-take shot filmed in the war-torn region of Aleppo in which 976 men, women, children and babies are shown staying perfectly still, with poses ranging from “half-buried underneath a collapsed hospital” to “clutching throat as the lungs fill with chlorine gas”.

“With the mannequin challenge, you’ll always see one person blink or sway, but not in this one,” posted Mark Lennings, a 26-year-old internet user who shared the video on his Facebook page.

“You’d nearly swear they were actually mannequins. But that can’t be the case, because if this kind of thing was really happening to these people, we’d be talking about it more than we’re talking about a viral game that serves only to fill our timelines with nonsense so we don’t have to cope with the realities of this world. In fact, it’s the best viral video to come out of the country since the ice-bucket challenge they filmed in the Mediterranean last year”.

It is really up there with the best we’ve seen, to view the epic video, click HERE. 
