Local Attention Seeker Looking For Something To Come Out As


A PROMINENT member of the Waterford attention seeking community has expressed his frustration at the lack of things he can come out as, WWN has learned.

Cormac Grogan, a 22-year-old student from Lismore, has spoken out for the first time about his complete lack of options when it comes to coming out about or confessing to a variety of things.

“I suppose I’ve just been very unlucky in that aspect,” said the attention seeker, who, after months of repeated status updates became disillusioned by the fact that others in his social media timeline were receiving all the attention.

“I didn’t have the luxury of coming out as gay or transgender, and my gluten tolerance is pretty bang on so I’ve been deprived of an opportunity to be showered with well wishers and the likes of Facebook. I’ve thought long and hard about it, but I’ve literally nothing to come out as, it’s really getting to me,” Cormac confirmed.

The arts student cited the recent status of former school mate Alan Cashin, who received some 400 likes and 123 comments after explaining he was gay.

“Some people take Facebook likes for granted. I’d absolutely love those likes, but being white, male and straight I don’t have much opportunity for those big moments online,” the student explained, visibly upset.

“Honestly, if you know anything I can come out as, please don’t hesitate to tell me. Is being pale a condition or something? What about coming from a two-parent family? I need something, I haven’t had a decently likes in ages, help,” the attention seeker pleaded.
