John Delaney Arrested For Rear Ending FAI Management Team As Part Of Insurance Scam


FRESH reports emanating from the Irish media indicate that FAI chief John Delaney was spotted by witnesses leaving the scene of the crash involving the Irish management team on the M50 last night.

While we must point out this is only conjecture at this point, a man fitting Delaney’s description was seen exiting a vehicle with the number plate ‘FAI 1’ after it ploughed into the back of a coach carrying Martin O’Neill, Roy Keane and other members of the Irish management team.

Gardaí are believed to have arrested and interviewed Delaney before releasing him without charge, he is still believed to be of interest to the Gardaí.

“Fair play to you now, you’ve mentioned an incident there, but I can’t possibly comment on it, but fair play,” Delaney said in an interview given to Ray D’Arcy this afternoon seemingly dodging the question of his involvement.

It is believed no one was seriously injured in the incident, but Delaney confirmed he was crossing his fingers in the hope O’Neill or Keane were suffering from minor whiplash.

Gardaí are said to be looking into allegations that Delaney may have caused the crash in an effort to gain compensation for the FAI, a payout which could cover the loss of revenue the FAI may incur if they fail to qualify for the 2016 Euro Championship in France.

“We can see from the available CCTV that a man fitting Mr. Delaney’s description seemed to flee from the seen, but not before spray painting a message on the surface of the M50,” Garda Gary Sheehan told WWN.

The message is believed to have been ‘I HAVE A LOVELY GIRLFRIEND’ but Gardaí have refused to confirm this.
