Lovin Waterford – 10 Pictures That Prove Ireland Is The Most Beautiful Country In The World


Despite the obviously subjective nature of what exactly constitutes ‘the most beautiful country in the world’, we need ad revenue so here’s a fucking list.

The rugged Irish landscape is like no other. We probably don’t get out to the neglected and abandoned corners of the country as much as we should but once you get there you’ll remember why you avoid it.

Where man meets nature and nature says ‘really, tyres? You’re going to chuck tyres in a river?’

Is there a more chilled out gang of lads in the world than the Irish? No! It helps that we’ve got such natural beauty spots in which to chill out at.

Don’t forget we’re not called the ‘Land of Saints and Scholars’ for nothing. We’ve produced thousands of authors we all pretend to read and that’s great. Is the graffiti below racist? C’mon, art is all about provoking. But slight issue with the legibility of the type, could have gone with helvetica.

One of the best views of our Nation’s capital can be got from up the top of this beauty. Minimalist decor and architecture like this is putting modern Ireland on the map. Whisper it softly but, that is so Berlin.

Ireland is one of the most majestic places in world in which you can explore your sense of adventure. Admire the views as the under carriage of your car is torn apart. You’ll appreciate the views all the more for having nearly died.

Good old Enya. A beautiful voice for a beautiful country. I’ve often listened to her as I gazed off at one of the unbeatable views above and thought ‘how is it that a country with a total of $230 billion GDP can’t manage to honour the Magdalene survivors redress scheme in full?’ Beautiful.

Ireland is that great place where because it’s raining so violently you have to surgically attach an umbrella to your face, allowing you to just block out the world until someone pokes you in the eye with their umbrella.

Ireland just is. It doesn’t pretend to be something its not, there’s no airs and graces about us and to paraphrase a really good rock group that has an Irish member in it; that’s what makes us beautiful.

Stop, sure I know! Right now in Ireland somewhere someone is having a cup of tea and thinking about their immersion and if you don’t think that’s kind of beautiful shut your fucking face.
