Dublin Girl Can’t Believe Best Friend Didn’t Like Her Latest Profile Picture


dublin girl

DUBLIN GIRL Emer O’Reilly is still in a state of shock after the posting of her latest adorable Facebook profile picture.

The picture was posted along with the caption ‘Work buddy drinks are the best xxx’ and despite receiving 124 likes and over 20 comments Emer was still patiently waiting for best friend Ciara Walshe to like the obviously cool picture.

“Guys, any of you with Ciara?” Emer quickly fired into a Whatsapp group which includes all of Emer’s close friends except for Ciara for no apparent reason.

“She hasn’t liked my profile, you’d think she’d have learned after last time!” Emer added, alluding to an earlier incident last year in which Ciara failed to like a previous profile picture of Emer’s in which she posed with her boyfriend John; Ciara’s ex-boyfriend.

“I know we all like, had the talk with her about supporting her friends in their new adventures, but come on, it’s been three hours she needs to like it already or it’s basically a big ‘fuck you’ to me. Some friend,” Emer concluded.

Individual Whatsapps were then sent to all friends in the conversation by Emer to reiterate her disappointment at Ciara’s clear violation of the ‘support your friends’ code. She also took this opportunity to once again question why Ciara hadn’t joined Instagram yet, describing her reluctance to join as ‘weird’.

Emer then went on to presume Ciara’s carefully planned out decision not to like the photo was confirmation she just hates Emer and is basically saying she looks fat in the picture.

It is expected Ciara will like the picture some time later this evening after returning from hospital following her latest check up, a check up Emer was told about several times with Ciara even going as far as to ask her best friend to accompany her to the hospital.
