New Study Into How Much Studies Cost To Cost Taxpayer €2.4 Million



A NEW Government commissioned a study into investigating the cost of studies has cost the taxpayer upwards of €2.4 million euro in the first three days since it was commissioned.

The aim of the study is to properly account for the cost of studies carried out in Ireland by Government and state agencies in the hope of reducing sometimes exorbitant costs.

The senior civil servant heading up the study has denied claims it is a waste of time and money.

“We are tasked with studying the cost of studies and this costs money,” explained Colin Furlong, head of the study, “and yes, maybe in these first three days of the study there are certain costs associated with setting up a study – the purchase of bouncy castle, a lifetime supply of alcohol, a trip to Tayto Park, I needed a new car and we went to America to compare similar studies, it’s all very basic stuff”.

The Government has defended what on the outside looks like irresponsible and ridiculous spending by pointing out it could always be worse.

“We’re getting a lot of moaners saying €2.4 million in three days is a lot of money, but please refrain from judging the study until it is completed seven years from now when we’ll have a total spend amount,” a spokesperson for the Government told WWN.

The study is set to employ over 100 people who played some part in all previous studies undertaken on Irish soil ensuring an unbiased approach to their overall cost.
