Drink Takers Warned About Potentially Lethal Batch Of Bad Pints



THE HSE has warned of a highly dangerous batch of bad pints which have been linked to cases of severe illness among drinkers.

One of the victims, an 18-year-old girl who consumed up to eight bad pints last night, is now said to be dying altogether.

No details were available regarding the batch, but there seems to be no pattern as to the type of alcohol affected by the bad pint batch, with consumers of cider, lager, stout and ale all reporting symptoms including vomiting, diarrhea, headaches and a general sense of fear and dread.

Gardaí investigating the claims have swooped on several premises said to be serving bad pints, although forensic analysis at this point have failed to show the presence of any irregularities or misconduct. As the majority of customers reported no ill effects from the drink they were served, this has prompted stricken customers to speculate if they are being served the tainted alcohol from a different tap than everyone else.

“There are more and more cases of people who are pure dying after having a bad pint,” said a HSE spokesperson.

“Therefore, those who consume alcohol should be specifically warned of potential dangers linked to these bad pints. The physical signs of a bad pint do not manifest until the following morning, making it hard to pinpoint which of the pints you drank the previous night was the bad one”.

During our investigation, WWN caught up with bad pint survivor Phil McGuinness, who is recuperating in his Carlow home following a near-fatal illness brought on by a bad pint he received at the afters of a wedding he attended last night.

“At the time you’re drinking it, a bad pint will look, smell and taste the same as a normal one,” said McGuinness, who appears gaunt and fragile. “I’m in the horrors of illness at the minute, so there must have been some bad pint bacteria in one of the 14 pints I had.”

The HSE said it was important that anybody displaying effects of a bad pint seek medical help immediately. It pointed out that, in 2013, there were 300,00 bad pint-related illnesses in Ireland, and that in most of these cases the afflicted chose to self-medicate using over-the-counter fried goods.
