Obesity Epidemic ‘Hilarious’ To Thin People



Ireland’s emerging obesity problem is providing much needed light relief for the thin percentage of the population.

Although Ireland is fast running out of thin people, those that remain are reported to derive great joy from seeing how the heavier half lives.

In a survey carried out by WWN 80% of thin people surveyed admitted to finding watching overweight people carry out basic everyday tasks ‘hilarious’.

Recent reports published suggest that as many as 1 in 4 Irish children are obese but WWN’s survey revealed an interesting trend when it comes to fat children. Close to 73% of those surveyed said they drew the line at making fun of overweight children.

One participant in the survey offered an explanation. “It seems cruel to laugh at a child of 4 or 9,10 even 16 but once they’re over 18 it’s just easier to laugh. One of my favourite things is when you spot one running for the bus. Priceless.”

Another one of those surveyed offered a suggestion “we should put soft drinks and fatty foods on the top shelves in shops…not to deter them or anything just if they fall over trying to reach for them I’m guaranteed to break my shit laughing”.

The survey also revealed that most people do not describe those who are overweight as ‘jolly’.

They also describe the way they walk as a ‘waddle’ rather than a ‘toddle’.
