“Do You Have A Spare iPhone Charger?” Barman Asked For 90th Time Tonight


THE DEMANDS put on a Dublin based barman by customers seeking out an iPhone charger are slowly pushing him to the edge, WWN understands.

Cormac Kenna, who works in one of the city’s last remaining non-hipster, non-boardgame based pubs, has been inundated with increasingly annoying requests for smartphone chargers.

“No, we serve pints here. Pints? Ever heard of them? They’re served in fucking pubs, one of which you’re standing in right now,” Cormac confirmed to someone he described to WWN as about 5ft 9″ and ‘a complete prick’.

Kenna, working in Hanratty’s Pub for almost 5 years now, explained to WWN that he spends 78% of his time fielding requests from people in need of a phone charger.

“No love, you’ve got us confused with a fucking phone shop, this is a bar,” is a regular phrase Kenna is forced to trot out as customers panic at the sight of a low battery, petrified they may have to converse and chat with friends and fellow patrons of Hanratty’s.

Keeping a scoreboard of the number of times he is asked to pour a pint and asked for a phone charger, Kenna pointed to the fact he has served 45 pints to 90 requests for chargers so far this evening.

“I’ve half a mind to set up a phone charging place that looks like a pub, smells like a pub but charges 5 euro for a go of a charger instead of selling pints,” the future billionaire barman confirmed.

Tensions have increased tenfold in the last few minutes as a customer informed Kenna she had her own charger and would just be plugging it in behind the bar ‘for like 20 minutes tops’.
