8 Classic Irish Callcard Designs That Will Instantly Bring You Back


There is nothing on this whole planet quite like an old telephone card to bring back all those fantastic memories. Nothing!

Who doesn’t remember shoving these babies into the freezer to get more units, right? You know it. Nostalge overload! Or do you guys remember collecting them in purposely made plastic sleeve holders? Oh my God! I think I’m going to have to ring Doc Brown and tell him to bring me Back to the Future Hahahahaha! Stop it! Gas craic.

Today we have compiled the best of, and rarest Telecom Éireann call cards Ireland had to offer. Some of these bring us way back.


This man was apparently a politician or something. You wouldn’t get away with that kind of behaviour now. Is that Buckfast? Makes ya fuck fast. Oh no I didn’t!


This 147,000 callcard was one of the most sought after callcards in the country, as it was the only one ever made. Rumour has it the original owner sold it for a song. In turn, the card was later flogged off for a small fortune. We’d hate to be that guy who sold it for nothing. He must feel like a right fucking dope altogether.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… every time it gets me… Every. Fucking. Time.


This commemorative callcard was to mark the closing of the last Magdalene Laundrette in Ireland on September 25, 1996. Those poor ladies looked so sad they were losing their jobs. Bless. The boom came shortly after, so I’m sure they’re all grand now.


Adorable! We absolutely love this cutie, whoever she is. Great slogan too. Those were the days.


This one is obviously some kind of sports person of the year or something. No idea what that word means on the bottom. Too lazy to Google it. Lolz.


We noticed the chip was different on this card to the rest, for some reason. It’s like see through or something. Stupid having 29 units and not just make it 30? Did they do this to make it sound cheaper? That’s so 90s Maurice Platt; “Back to school kids”. God we hated that guy. Glenroe! Homework! Gas.
