Dublin Bus 3am Nightlink Service On Saturday Named The Most Dangerous Place In The World


THE Nation’s capital has received a huge tourism boost following the news the city’s Nightlink bus service has been classed as the most dangerous place in the World.

Esteemed travel guide Lonely Planet ranked the Dublin Bus Nightlink service on Saturday at 3am ahead of Guantanamo Bay as the most dangerous place in the World in which to be a tourist.

While not the most positive claim to fame Dublin city council have attempted to make the most of the infamy by attracting ‘extreme tourists’.

“We’re appealing the tourist types who would cycle Death Road in Bolivia and swim with sharks off the coast of South Africa – basically any mad bastards with some money,” explained head of the new tourism drive Keith Currie.

Recent Irish tourist initiatives saw funding being pumped into the Wild Atlantic Way but the Nightlink tourism drive differs as funding will actually be withheld in order to enhance the danger.

“The top deck near the back is really only for those adrenaline junkies with a death wish, but we can promise it is a once in a lifetime experience,” added Currie.

Former Nightlink horror stories will now be displayed on the side of the buses using the written word in an effort to entice die hard adrenaline junkies into sampling the Nightlink’s delights.

One stirring account from former Nightlink passenger Ailbhe O’Donovan will take pride of place on the 39n.

“I fell asleep and typical me, I had my gob wide open, snoring away. Next thing I know I wake up to someone vomiting directly into my mouth, then they just laughed at it for about 10 minutes,” Ailbhe told WWN at the official launch in Dublin Castle.
