Woman ‘Ecstatic’ After Abducting Newborn Baby


A CORK woman who stole a 2-week-old girl from the local Maternity hospital said she is absolutely ‘ecstatic’ today after evading Gardai and search-parties the past two days.

After some very careful planning, Theresa Power snatched the child from hospital on Monday and is said to be very happy with her newly aquired baby girl.

“Its like a dream come true. I have been looking forward to this moment for a long long time.” said the 43-year-old self confessed alcoholic.

“Maybe its because she’s mine, but I think shes the most beautiful little girl in the world.” she added.

The distraught mother of the child, Peggy Curran (27), gave birth to her 9lb 5oz daughter after a gruelling 36 hour labour on the 4th of April and was kept in hospital since due to blood pressure complications.

Partner John Mcilroy made a tearful plea for help to find their daughter at a press conference this morning.

“We just want to see her again, with her beautiful blue eyes and blondie hair. Our little angel.”

“Please bring her back to us. She belongs here and no where else.” said the sobbing like a girl Mcilroy.

Seventy three Gardai have been involved in a painstaking search for the child since she went missing in the early hours of April 18th.

The search area has been widened out beyond the Clonakilty area of west Cork after a massive comb-out of, train stations, taxi ranks and a ferry ports failed to yield the whereabouts of the child.

Baby snatcher Theresa Power told WWN today that she had no plans to return little ‘Jessica’ to her parents.

“No one could take care of her like I can. It’s destiny. I named her Jessica after my own daughter who died when she was only three months old.”

“Me and Jess will lay low for a while and eventually get the boat to England where I will stay with my aunt for a few months until the heat dies down.” said a very happy Ms. Power.


The launch of a Crimestoppers’ appeal was headed yesterday by the 67-year-old grandmother of the child, Geraldine Curran.

Asked how the family had been coping over the past couple of days, Geraldine said: “Terrible. We don’t sleep at night. We walk around Cork city day in and day out.

“That little girl needs her parents.” she added. “It’s hard on the family.”

They pleaded with anybody who might have some information to pass it on in confidence.

If you have any information relating to the disappearance of the child please ring 021-444556577.
