“Now Is Not A Time For Grieving, Now Is The Time To Find Someone To Pin This On” Says Man Who Scrapped Aviation Security Advisory Committee


US PRESIDENT Donald Trump has confirmed that in the wake of a plane and helicopter collision over Washington DC which killed 67 people, now is not the time for investigations and seeking accurate information, or even a time to comfort the bereaved as all energies must be put into finding a scapegoat.

“In regard to comforting grieving families, there should be none, put them to the very back of your mind, and just get to blaming someone, anyone for this but obviously not me or anyone connected to me,” explained Trump, who eliminated the membership of a key aviation safety committee last week.

Asked by the media if, at such a tragic time, he had any empathy Trump confirmed that he gets regular medical check ups and had been given the all-clear by the White House doctor for that particular disease.

“We’re talking your blacks, your hispanics, your women, your gays. Ideally, fingers crossed some lunatic on Twitter gets a viral post trending with a lie about how the person was a black transgender man with an Asian surname who voted Democrat – that’s the holy grail of blame right there,” offered Trump.

While it is impossible to know at this early stage if the gutting of the Aviation Security Advisory Committee played any role in the aviation crash, Trump informed devoted followers and administration officials that it is there patriotic duty to compound people’s grief with wild accusations in the hopes more people unduly suffer.

“Does Joe Biden have a pilot’s licence? C’mon guys, I need blame ideas, we’re all looking for the guy who did this,” Trump concluded, before putting on a novelty hotdog Halloween costume.
