Far Cry 4 Players May Suffer Post-Traumatic Stress, Warn Doctors


THE gameplay featured in Ubisofts upcoming action game “Far Cry 4” may be intense enough to bring on bouts of post-traumatic stress in gamers, according to a panel of Medical experts.

Far Cry 4, the latest in the critically acclaimed, best-selling first person shooter series, places players in the shoes of Ajay Ghale, who becomes embroiled in a bloody civil war as the people of his homeland battle against under the maniacal reign of self-appointed king Pagan Min.

Against the backdrop of a stunning Himalayan play area, twice as dense as that of Far Cry 3, players must shoot, drive, fly, swim and survive through combat scenarios that doctors have warned may cause players to suffer PTSD-style symptoms.

PTSD, common among veterans of wars, can present symptoms such as flashbacks, nausea, and bouts of paranoia and rage. Common among those who have suffered through or witnessed a traumatising or intense event, PTSD can require months of therapy to help sufferers live a normal life. Far Cry 4, which will be available on PS4, XBOX One, PS£, XBOX 360 and PC, will be the first video game on record to offer the kind of action which would bring about PTSD in players.

“We are considering a warning label on the packaging” said Dr. David Whyse, who conducted the study of the new game. “The intensity of the combat combined with the choices the story offers to players along the way, are comparable with the kinds of things that induce PTSD in war vets. Players need to be warned about the kind of shell-shock they risk when playing Far Cry 4”.

Far Cry 4 is available from retailers on November 18th.
