Angelina Jolie Wears A Wedding Dress To Her Wedding



INTERNATIONAL media have reacted with awe, shock and surprise at the news that film actress, director and UN ambassador Angelina Jolie decided to wear a wedding dress to her wedding.

Print media and web publications alike began trying to pour over the monumental occurrence that was Jolie’s decision to wear a dress on the day of her wedding.

While accurate figures are unavailable at this point it is believed Jolie was only the 845,765,403rd woman in the history of mankind to wear the occasional dress.

People and Hello magazine’s exclusive photos are set to help boost sales of the publications by 1200% as the public tries to come to terms with the reality that a white gown, not dissimilar to all other white gowns that have gone before it, graced the flesh of human and celebrity Angelina Jolie.

We can reveal that online reaction to the dress was largely positive judging by the tweets we specifically selected to back up our preordained opinion.

“OMG brings me back to my special day, she looks amazing,” shared Aine Dolan on her Facebook account despite the fact she had her wedding reception in the Red Cow Hotel .

Representatives from the Oxford English Dictionary have confirmed they are considering replacing the definition of the words ‘graceful’, ‘beautiful’ and ‘stunning’ with a photo of Jolie in her dress and the word ‘news’ with a picture of a clown laughing hysterically while defecating on a newspaper.

There has of course been victims in all this as close to 100,000 women were rushed to hospital after they admitted they ‘can’t even’ after catching sight of the dress. It is thought they will all die.

“I love the personal touch,” remarked Gavin Drury on Twitter a leading commentator of commenting on things, who was seemingly unaware all weddings and wedding dresses are truly unique due to a scientific method perfected by the wedding planning industry.

“I think we’ll all remember where we were when we caught our glimpse of the back it,” Gavin added with a nod of the head, a sufficient gesture to acknowledge what was the single most important moment in human history.
