“Quick, Tell Me What I Should Think About The Menendez Brothers I’m Late For Dinner With The Girls & I Know It’s Going To Come Up In Conversation”
IN our latest entry of the WWN Voices series, we give a platform to people we really shouldn’t. This week is the turn of Alannah Ní Faolain, who doesn’t have an opinion but is in desperate need of one as she just knows the girls are going to talk about nothing but that Menendez Brothers show.
“I’m literally five minutes away, so make this quick. Christ, Niamh’s definitely going to be all like ‘how have you NOT watched it?’ and I want to avoid that whole thing, you know how judgey she can get about the simplest thing and then you just feel stupid when you shouldn’t.
Right, so they killed their parents? But they’re not evil? And celebs are all like ‘free them’? But then some are like ‘absoluuuuutely not’?
This is seriously confusing and the starters won’t have arrived and Rachel will hit me with ‘what do you think? Having studied law?’
I don’t want to be seen as inadvertently endorsing falsely imprisoning people and Menendez is like a minority name over there, right? I’ve only just caught up on Baby Reindeer for fuck sake, where do people find the fucking time to watch all this stuff!
I do F45 three times a week, I have to see my nieces at the weekends. The pressure to absorb all trending topics into my brain before 9am every morning is too much!
Ugh, is it Shonda Rhimes or Ryan Murphy who exploits people’s trauma for schlocky soap operas which discards the notion of truth? I can never remember.
I could just put aside my ego and admit I don’t have an opinion on everything, and it’s okay to not know. No, fuck it, I’m winging it!”
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