Nation’s Hoteliers Fear Anti-Immigrant Protests Could Impact Profits


OWNERS of vacant and rundown hotels around Ireland have expressed their worry that sustained protests from racists calling themselves ‘concerned locals’ could result in a hit to their profits, and WWN can reveal for the first time that hoteliers have said as much to government officials.

“It’s despicable these are innocent people just trying to make their way in the world,” one hotelier said about himself and fellow hoteliers in correspondence to the Department of Integration seen by WWN.

Obtained via an FOI request, WWN discovered hoteliers were keen to stress to the government that they felt the pattern and frequency of recent protests couldn’t be allowed continue.

“We felt we were sort of onto a new gravy train, lads, you said ‘it’s just for a year’ which we know is government incompetence for ’10 years at least’. We’re the backbone of your spinelessness, if you’re not arsed with setting up purpose built State-run asylum reception centres then you need us,” said another hotelier.

While the options business owners such as those providing accommodation to the State feel the government could explore include ‘send guards to bash skulls, innocent money is being hurt’ sadly Garda Commissioner Drew Harris has said this is not an option.

“They’re racists, not striking Debenhams workers so we don’t want to be too heavy handed. We’ll leave them to it, anyway, how many people would bother turning up after the guards said they won’t stop them boarding buses and intimidating people?” queried a garda spokesperson.
