Unsure About Star Wars: Battlefront 2? Read Our Review!


MANY players were left underwhelmed by the first Start Wars: Battlefront game, so expectations were high that this years installment would iron out those gameplay bugs, add a strong campaign mode, and give players what they really wanted; a cutting-edge multiplayer Star Wars game. Have EA succeeded? Read on and find out!

This review of Star Wars: Battlefront 2 will continue in three paragraphs. To read the rest of the review now, you can open a lootbox – if you receive a ‘review’ card, this will allow you to unlock the next section of this review, once you level the card up to its maximum stats.

This can be achieved by reading 87 more WWN articles over the next hour. Alternatively, you can level up the card with a single payment, made directly to our shareholders.

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The single player campaign, which picks up after the battle of Endor, sees players step into the Imperial uniform of a new character

This review of Star Wars: Battlefront 2 will continue in three paragraphs. To read the rest of the review now, you can open a lootbox – if you receive a ‘review’ card, this will allow you to unlock the next section of this review, once you level the card up to its maximum stats. This can be achieved by reading 137 more WWN articles over the next 9 hours. Alternatively, you can level up the card with a single payment, made directly to our shareholders. 

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Overall, the multiplayer experience could be described as

This review of Star Wars: Battlefront 2 will continue in three paragraphs. To read the rest of the review now, you can open a lootbox – if you receive a ‘review’ card, this will allow you to unlock the next section of this review, once you level the card up to its maximum stats. This can be achieved by reading 1,923 more WWN articles over the next 4 days. Alternatively, you can level up the card with a single payment, made directly to our shareholders. 

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So in summary… is the game worth

This review of Star Wars: Battlefront 2 will continue in three paragraphs. To read the rest of the review now, you can open a lootbox – if you receive a ‘review’ card, this will allow you to unlock the next section of this review, once you level the card up to its maximum stats. This can be achieved by reading … actually, fuck that. Just give us money.

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