Underpants Bomber Signs 5 Year Contract With Calvin Klein
THE Saudi underpants bomber has signed a five year contract with fashion house Calvin Klein, a spokesman for the company has ... -
Economic Fears Grow As Irish Markets Phone In ‘Sick’ To Work This Morning
TRADERS at Ireland’s ISEQ have warned of more economic turbulence today after the markets failed to turn up for work ... -
Theory on ‘Invisible’ Dark Matter Which Holds Universe Together Is ‘Absolute fairytale’, Says Pope
THE POPE has laughed-off sciences latest theory on ‘dark matter’, saying that the idea of an invisible force that holds ... -
‘Why Are You People Always Whinging?’, Asks Government
THE Government have asked the country today why it is they are always ‘whinging’ and ‘moaning’ about stuff. At a ... -
Vatican Strikes D’Arcy Family Name From Church Register
THE VATICAN have announced today that anyone with the family name ‘D’Arcy’ will be stricken from all Catholic church records ... -
Second Football Found On Alaskan Beach This Week Traced To Sergio Ramos
A SECOND football found washed up on a remote Alaskan beach in the same week apparently belongs to Spanish footballer, ... -
‘My Work Here Is Done’ Says Fornication TD Before Dramatically Ascending Back Into Heaven
FINE GAEL TD Michelle Mulherin dramatically ascended back into heaven this morning in front of hundreds of spectators claiming that her ‘work here ... -
Government: New Water Meters To Include ‘Draw Something’ App For First Million Customers
THE GOVERNMENT announced today that all new water meters will include a ‘draw something’ app for the first one million ... -
Woman Googles ‘Pain in Head’, Self Diagnoses Brain-Tumour And ‘Will Probably Die Now’, Says Woman
A COUNTY Kilkenny woman is in fear for her life after a migraine led her to a Google search which then ... -
‘My Only Regret Is Not Featuring In An Internet Viral Video Campaign’, Says Dying Mugabe
ZIMBABWEAN dictator Robert Mugabe told family members and friends last night that his only regret was never featuring in an internet ...