Teen Refused Feel Of Girlfriend’s Boob To Try Again In Another Few Minutes


LOCAL teenager Garry Denlan is currently planning a second attempt at sliding his hand up the jumper of the girl he started going out with last week, after she refused his initial advance during their ongoing passionate shifting session around the back of the school.

Denlan, 17, began shifting 16-year-old Aimee Clearey at approximately 1pm, and is still going strong 45 minutes later. At minute 16 of the tongue-and-teeth-heavy kissing marathon, Garry attempted to slip his hand underneath Aimee’s shirt to get a good feel of her breast, in a bid to have something to talk about when he recalled the story to his mates later on in the day.

Unfortunately for the Leaving Cert student, Clearey did not consent to having her breast tweaked and groped by a lad she only kissed for the first time less than a week ago, and asked him to take his hand out from under her clothes.

Having had his advances turned down by his supposedly steady girlfriend, Denlan at first grew annoyed, but has endeavoured to make another pass in a little while, confident that his excellent kissing technique will have gotten the clearly uncomfortable Clearey ‘more in the mood’.

“Christ, we’re going out nearly a week, what’s her problem?” mused Denlan, remembering that his mate Cathal had a great story about fingering some girl a fortnight ago that made everyone really jealous, and yet here he is, not even able to get a hand up this girl’s shirt.

“She probably want’s to take things slow, but that’s no good to a young lad like me. I need stories to tell, notches on the bedpost, I need to equal the sexual conquests of all the other lads, or else I’ll just look like a fucking failure who doesn’t know anything about women”.

“Is it normally this difficult to just get what you want from a girl? All I’ve ever seen on TV is guys getting whatever they want. It’s like the President of the United States of America himself said – if you want something, you just take it. If it works for every successful male actor, singer, and celebrity that I hear about on a daily basis, then it should work for me too.

“What, am I going to be the only lad in the group who listens to a girl when she says ‘no’? That’s not how I understand these things to work. If she doesn’t let me feel her tit in the next ten minutes, then I’m breaking up with her and telling the whole school she’s a frigid”.

Denlan aims to bring his ‘no means maybe’ attitudes towards consent to college next year, and will use the ‘boys will be boys’ excuse to clear his name of any claims of rape or sexual assault cases that may arise.
