Charity’s Request For Donations No Match For Local Man’s Cold, Black Heart


A LEADING charity’s appeal for much needed donations in the run up to Christmas has proved no match for the cold, black heart belonging to one Dublin man, WWN has learned.

Daniel Treally (25), has reportedly been exposed to several ads on radio and TV, as well as face-to-face on the street bucket shaking from not one, not two, but 37 separate charities all equally desperate for funds which will enable them to improve the lives of those considerably less fortunate than Treally. however, utilising his ability to shut off the part of his brain that can feel empathy, the accountant has yet to cough up a single cent.

“It can often be the case that the people we try to elicit donations from are themselves not in the best position financially, however, in the case of Mr. Treally we have learned this is not the case,” confirmed one charity spokesperson WWN engaged with.

Treally, in possession of an enviable bank balance and a knack for just not caring at all, is said to be barely aware of the fact he has outright ignored endless targeted ads on social media from charities which hope to successfully ask people to donate to a worthy cause.

“Try as we might, Mr. Treally hasn’t even acknowledged any charity on the street, in fact, he appears oddly infuriated by the work we do,” explained another charity worker we spoke with.

When WWN tried to stop Mr. Treally for a comment earlier today he brushed passed us and muttered ‘sure charities are a scam’ under his breath, flawlessly defeating any case that could be made for homeless people, refugees or starving children in the third world.

If you are fearful you may have a condition similar to Mr. Treally please click HERE for further tests.
