13% Of German Electorate Told To Go Read A History Book


AS German Chancellor Angela Merkel zeroes in on forming a coalition and securing a 4th successive term in office, the almost 13% of the German population who voted for far right party Alternative for Germany (AfD) have been advised to ‘go read a fucking history book’, WWN can reveal.

“Uh oh, this can’t be good,” confirmed the World as it noted that Germany’s election has been tainted by the emergence of a party with a right-wing populist ideology which includes opposition to gay marriage, climate change denial and an unhealthy ease with the mass deportation of people who aren’t white.

“In terms of specifics, we’re thinking World War II history is a great starting point, it’s full of information about ya know, fervent nationalism and xenophobia in Germany and how that worked out last time,” explained one German citizen, who voted for Martin Schulz’s Social Democrats.

While the instruction to go and read a history book is a non-binding demand, some German citizens have suggested that those who voted for AfD could even go as far as to read a second book.

“They’ll be surprised to learn there’s actually more than one book on World War II, it was actually kind of a big deal at the time,” confirmed another voter who is still getting his head around the election results.

Despite the concerns expressed by the majority of the German people, some AfD voters remain defiant.

“Oh my God, you liberal idiots. Fascism is economically closer to left-wing socialists than Alternative for Germany is. We’re completely different we’re happy with a free market that benefits Germany but also want the complete eradication of foreign looking people,” explained one Alternative for Germany voter, “see, not fascist at all”.
