Local Nice Guy Commenting On Every Facebook Photo Belonging To Woman He Doesn’t Know


A 26-YEAR-OLD single man is currently liking and commenting on every Facebook photo belonging to a woman he has never met in an effort to ingratiate himself with her, presumably in the hopes of sleeping with her, WWN has learned.

Local nice guy Kevin Tiernan, with an address in his Mam’s house, Waterford, has thoughtfully complimented the photos of a friend of a friend of a friend, citing the need to ‘acknowledge true beauty when he sees it’.

“I would comment on her Instagram but it’s private,” Tiernan explained, adding that he was a little disappointed at the fact he has yet to receive a response from the recipient of his overbearing affection, Jessica Clarke, “she could be busy, but I’d hate if it was because she’s lacking in manners and can’t appreciate a nice person being nice”.

“I might set up a second profile with a different picture, of just abs. I’d hate to think she’s a materialistic and vain person, but if pretending to be someone else is what it will take to get her attention – I’ll do it,” Tiernan continued.

The young man also spoke of how once Jessica responded to him, he would immediately let her know in a private message what he would do with her body given half the chance.

“A girl like that is probably fed up with being messed around by assholes, so I’ll be like a breath of fresh air,” he concluded.
