Trump Challenges CNN To Hell In A Cell


CURRENT US President Donald Trump is to take the battle against fake news to the limits in the clash that many said would never happen; a no-holds barred Hell In A Cell match where ’45’ will tackle the entire CNN news team in one go.

Following the success of a tweet which Trump sent at the weekend in which footage of his appearance at Wrestlemania XXIII was doctored to show POTUS himself attacking the CNN logo, pummelling it to the ground, Trump put the wheels in motion for an actual WWE match against his foes at CNN, in a bid to stamp out ‘fake news’ once and for all.

The tweet, which was in no way intended to distract the world from anything else that Trump may have been doing at the time such as implementing his travel ban or pushing through his onerous healthcare repeals, caused concern among media outlets regarding Trump’s continued undermining of the press, alongside claims that Trump may be losing his grip on reality with such an unpresidential move.

All fears were washed away this morning however, with the announcement of the upcoming bout inside HIAC, the most demonic structure in the history of sports entertainment.

“I’m bringing CNN to the danger zone!” screamed Trump in a chilling promo in which he promised to end fake news in a legitimate fight.

“CNN have been running their mouths for months about me, reporting things that I do, investigating claims about things that are harmful to me and my presidential term. All that ends this Sunday, in the cell! And the same goes to any other media outlets that think they can stray from what I deem to be real news or not. DANGER ZONE!!”
