“She Remembered My Name” – Taoiseach Hails May Meeting A Success


NEWS emerging from the meeting between Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Prime Minister Theresa May seems to suggest the one on one gathering was a huge success, WWN is now learning.

Emerging from the room in which he had held a meeting with his British counterpart, the Taoiseach gave the thumbs up to Minister for Finance Michael Noonan and was seen mouthing ‘she remembered my name’ before broadly smiling.

Members of the government cabinet who were also waiting outside the meeting expectantly began high-fiving one another, deciding the fact Theresa May knew who Enda Kenny is to be an overwhelmingly positive development and bodes well for Ireland in the post-Brexit political climate.

The members of the cabinet were urged to quiet their celebrations by Kenny via a heavily gesticulated ‘shooing motion’ as May then emerged from the room and allegedly looked in the direction of the assembled ministers.

“Oh my God, she looked at me in the eyes, did you see it? Did you? We held eye contact for like 5 seconds,” an excited Leo Varadkar was overheard sharing with his colleagues.

The Taoiseach then addressed the media, heralding his conversation with PM May as a ‘runaway success’.

“It is a little early to talk about the border issues with Northern Ireland, possible trade deals, the status of Irish people living and working in the UK, but lads, she remembered my name and I take that to be an immense vote of confidence in the memorability of my face,” the Taoiseach beamed.

The Taoiseach denied claims that he had fact had to remind May who he was by repeatedly saying ‘hi Theresa, it’s me Enda, the guy from the EU meetings’ several times.
