Student’s Study Plan Consists Of Watching Netflix Until 3am


A STUDENT not based in the UCD library area of Dublin is currently drawing up a revised study plan in order to better prepare for his upcoming Christmas exams, WWN can reveal.

Jonathan O’Dowd, a second year Arts student attending UCD, had become concerned that his usual pattern of putting off study by watching Netflix until 1am was doing damage to his education.

“Yeah, I’ve pushed it to 3am now, so by that time I’ve blasted through four episodes of Orange is The New Black, I can really start to panic and beat myself up. 3am is just a better time for all that,” O’Dowd explained.

“I mean my housemates are less likely to hear me argue out loud with myself and spontaneously burst into tears,” he added, explaining that when something like that happens there is really nothing better than 5 or 6 episodes of How I Met Your Mother to help cheer you up.

O’Dowed rejected any inference that he wasn’t taking his exams seriously by pointing out he was now averaging 8-10 hours of procrastination a day.

“I haven’t reached the point yet when you just down as many Red Bulls as possible and hope whatever notes you take make sense, I’m saving that for the hour or two before the first exam,” O’Dowd added.

The 20-year-old broke off from his interview with WWN revealing he had to walk to the UCD library and ‘show his face’, so it appeared like he was putting the work in.
