Adams Not Suing Over Jean McConville Murder Link For Some Reason


SINN Féin leader Gerry Adams is not expected to sue any number of media outlets over their repeated claims that he ordered the abduction and execution of mother of ten, Jean McConville, despite taking on the BBC for a similar claim this week.

Lawyers for Mr. Adams confirmed that they will be suing the British broadcaster over allegations made in a recent Spotlight documentary, that claimed their client approved the 2006 killing of IRA double agent Denis Donaldson.

“I have been consulting with my lawyers and we will now be taking action against the BBC in relation to the totally false allegation contained within the BBC Spotlight broadcast,” Mr. Adams told WWN, “My lawyers are confident I have a good case against them, because I didn’t actually do it, and I’m telling the truth this time”.

However, Mr. Adams was at odds when asked why he wouldn’t be suing over the numerous other allegations against him, prominently the death of McConville, of whose murder he remarked ‘that’s what happens in war’ and eight others of the so-called “Disappeared”.

“Oh yeah, that’s a good point actually,” said a worried looking Mr. Adams, now walking slowly away from this reporter and into an awaiting car, “I must get onto my lawyers about them when I get home as it’s more or less the same accusation! You’re right. No really, thanks for pointing that out to me. I really appreciate your interest”.

Donaldson (55), a Sinn Féin official and close colleague of Adams, was reportedly shot dead by the Real IRA at an isolated cottage near Glenties in Co Donegal in April 2006, despite the BBCs recent claims.
