Lovin’ Waterford: 5 Of the Best Ice-Cream Vans In The Country


WE at Lovin’ Waterford only accept the best when it comes to everything; the best cocktails, the best burritos, the best casual sex, even the best ice-cream.

We wouldn’t feed the slop you eat to our pet bearded dragons. Here’s 5 of the best boutique ice-cream vans in the country right now, highlighting their choice of music, the time you can catch them, and their speciality serving. The minute you start loving these ice-cream vans, we’re going to stop, so thanks for ruining everything you jerks.

1) Ferdinand’s Frozen Heart

Music: Girlfriend in a Coma by The Smiths.
Time Active: 11pm, Tuesdays.
Speciality: “The chunk”; a solid cube of ice made from Evian. €17.99.

2) Creaming Yourself

Music: I Want Your Sex by George Michael.
Time Active: All day, every day, except Mondays.
Speciality: ’69’, basically a 99 but made with breastmilk.

3) Vegan-anny

Music: You wouldn’t know it.
Time Active: Constantly.
Speciality: Soy Screwball, complete with bubblegum ball made out of a sphere of wood.

4) ?-cream

Music: Silence.
Time Active: Never.
Speciality: “A feast of dreams”. A cone, filled with nothing. Or is it us that are full of nothing? €20.

5) Mr. Ra

Music: The Broad Black Brimmer.
Time Active: From now until Ireland is one.
Speciality: The Semtex Split.
