Local Man Becomes First Ever Irish Person To Be Sober In A 7-Seater Taxi


THERE were jubilant scenes earlier today as one Dublin man became the first Irish person to ever travel in a 7-seater taxi while completely sober.

Sandyford native Sean Canning made the 26 minute journey from his home to the city centre at 7:30am this morning, after hailing a taxi using an app on his phone.

Canning was surprised when a 7-seater pulled up outside his home, as larger minibus sized taxis are normally only dispatched to pick up larger crowds from house parties and pre-drinking sessions.

The 27-year-old was initially unsure as to how to open the side door of the taxi, as he had never approached one with less than a naggin of whisky inside himself. After receiving help from the driver, Canning became the first Irish person to ever travel in a 7-seater taxi with a blood alcohol level less than 0.9.

“It feels… weird,” said Canning, who was travelling by taxi due to the Luas strike.

“I’ve never been in a 7-seater without ten other people, all shit-faced drunk. There’s just so much room, so much space… it’s a little trippy, if I’m honest. And it smells a bit like when you walk past a bar. Plus, anytime I’m in a 7-seater I’m usually shouting my face off and having mad bants with the driver, but I haven’t even said anything to him yet. Should I yell at him now? Do you yell in a 7-seater even if you’re sober? I’m so confused”.

As the taxi arrived at the destination after an uneventful journey, Canning then had to fight his natural urge to open the back door and run off without paying.
