Woman Would Floss After Brushing But The Fucking Effort Of It All


A LOCAL Waterford woman has confirmed that she would absolutely floss her teeth extensively in order to aid their chances of having a flawless white glow only for the fact it takes so much fucking effort, WWN has learned.

Jane McGrath, a 25-year-old girlfriend of one, can brush her teeth as many times as twice in one day, but invariably abandons a more thorough dental routine when faced with the prospect of flossing each individual tooth.

“Ugh, the fucking effort of it all,” Jane remarked to herself while staring at a box of Tesco own brand dental floss which was purchased some 4 months ago on a whim, but has yet to be opened.

“Honestly, I’d be all over that flossing like a teeth mad rash, but after a long day it’s the equivalent to climbing Mount Everest after having your legs broken, I just haven’t the inclination,” the sales manager confirmed to WWN.

Despite not being entirely happy with the build up of plaque on her teeth and their off-white colour Jane has been unable to muster the energy required to slide a bit of string in between her teeth for a minute, two minutes tops.

Dental expert Olwyn Bowe confirmed to WWN that Jane’s alternative to flossing, in which she sort of moves her tongue around a bit on her teeth after spending several minutes making faces at herself while looking in the mirror is next to useless.

“Apart from looking like idiot it literally has no benefit,” Bowe confirmed.
