Waterford Man Buys Entire Christmas Shopping In Penneys For 9 Euro


A CASH strapped Waterford man is the talk of the county following a 17 minute shopping blitz in Penneys which saw him get Christmas gifts for everyone all for the princely sum of 9 euro.

“Head down. In the door. No messing,” shared 32-year-old Waterford city resident Fergus Quinlain, explaining how he managed to buy Christmas presents for the mother, the father, the sister, the brother, the granny, the girlfriend, the girlfriend’s mother, the boss, the office secret Santa, the postman and still get change out of a tenner.

Weighed down by 24 bulging Penneys bags, Quinlain sought refuge on a nearby bench where he was greeted by a pack of gobsmacked Christmas shoppers who had heard tales of his epic shopping feat.

Quinlain, broke from the previous week’s multiple 12 pubs excursions, had resolved to take out a loan with a predatory pay-day loan company until, in a moment of sheer inspiration, he thought to hit up his local Penneys with his last ten euro instead.

“I honestly don’t have a fucking clue what I’ve bought, but fingers crossed there will be something in there for everyone,” Quinlain said barely gathering his breath.

Rummaging through what he bought during his 17 minute non-stop shopping spree, Quinlain was relieved to find 84 pairs of pyjamas, countless slippers and branded T-shirts, a bedside lamp, several hoodies, a multi pack of Chewits and a selection of intricate looking yet very affordable lingerie.

“The Chewits were an impulse buy, I was sweating and panicking in the queue and there they were beside the till. They’ll go in someone’s stocking,” Quinlain added, bringing an end to a lengthy question and answer session on the bench.

Quinlain’s impressive feat has been dismissed by more experienced shoppers, however, who stated the 32-year-old should be embarrassed as he could have got so much more with his remaining euro.
