Dáil Printer Refuses To Print Banking Inquiry Report


A PRINTER used by various Dáil committees has sensationally refused to print the Banking Inquiry report, seemingly aligning itself with Banking Inquiry members Joe Higgins and Pearse Doherty, resulting in accusations from other members of the inquiry of political bias.

The HP Officejet Pro X was tasked with printing of the 450 page report, which is rumoured to have, amongst its conclusions, a recommendation to sue the ECB for preventing the State from burying senior bondholders.

Had it not been from the printer’s refusal to print the document, the report would have been sent out to interested parties ahead of its publication in late January.

However, with the Dáil printer abdicating from its duties, the status of the report remains in jeopardy.

“This is, by its very definition, a most politically motivated refusal to print,” Banking Inquiry member and Fine Gael TD John Paul Phelan explained to WWN.

“Doherty must have had a word with the printer, or made it print out some Karl Marx nonsense last week leading to this inexcusable behaviour we have witnessed this morning,” he added.

The printer has denied that its refusal is politically motivated instead choosing to issue a two worded statement.

“Paper jam,” the printer stated in an attempt to rubbish claims of political bias.
