Lovin’ Waterford: Last Night A Pizza Changed My Life


YOU always remember your first time. Often it’s a hasty decision you later regret, for others they were so eager to get to it burnt the roof of their mouths.

But, we’ve all moved on from the early days of pizza, and a new dawn is before us, one I am fully ready to embrace after finally sampling the pizza to end all pizzas in local Waterford pizza joint Jazz Mustard.

With a 12 month waiting list that is by invite only, I had been greatly anticipating this pizza, which incidentally, you must consume in exactly 47 bites. It’s the kind of cool quirk this place is known for. And so what if I had to slip the waiter €300 to put it to towards the top of the list. This place had serious hype.

Of course I dined in Jazz Mustards on a Monday, which meant they changed their name to Stale Trumpet Foot for no apparent reason. So cool.

Anyone who is anyone has already sampled their pizzas (I think I saw Brian McFadden, but I couldn’t be sure), and we’re all familiar with the tales of the head chef, who had visited New York once back in ’04 and has some tattoos, with that sort of interesting back story I knew this pizza would be to die for.

I scanned the menu and quickly realised I would have to make use of my overdraft to afford anything on the menu, but when the pizzas look this good with the right Instragram filter, you know it’s worth it.

Some 76 minutes after I ordered the chicken pizza with ethically sourced toppings, I was told it would be another 10 minutes. But, it’s worth waiting for locally sourced chicken which is fed on corn and carefully selected compliments.

And, yes, it cost me €14.50 per slice, however just knowing how many likes I might get on Facebook for any selfies I took in the Jazz Mustard was almost as tasty as the food itself.

The pizza arrived cold. Classic Jazz Mustard. Always pushing the expectations. Defying pizza convention. Here, I was expecting a piping hot pizza, which was edible, and instead I got an ice cold base and an up himself waiter who was buried in his iPhone 6s Plus. These guys certainly know how to rewrite the pizza recipe book. I was astounded by how much I forced myself to like it because it has appeared on several food blogs, that’s how good it was.

Would I recommend putting yourself on the waiting list and saving up to spend over 100 quid on an undercooked pizza and shit service when there’s a quality takeaway next door that does a 12″ for a tenner? If you’re the type of person that cares about style over substance, then abso-fucking-lutely!

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