Facebook’s Irish Tax Bill Comes To Price Of Happy Meal & A Trip To The Cinema



NEW accounts filed by Facebook Ireland Ltd show that revenue totalled €3 billion and tax paid on that sum amounted to the cost of a trip to the cinema with a Happy Meal thrown in as well.

With new taxation laws revealed in this year’s budget are expected to make it harder for companies to evade paying such low rates of corporate tax in the coming years. Facebook, in the coming years, it is presumed will up their contribution to a game of bowling as well as a Happy Meal and cinema ticket.

While many members of the commerce and tech sectors have pointed out that the cinema these days can be quite expensive, it still comes painfully short of a seemingly equitable and fair contribution to the Irish exchequer.

“I wouldn’t want to speculate on their tax payments, but C’mon, the cinema plus maybe a jumbo popcorn, that’s some serious coinage,” explained economic expert Fintan D’Arcy, “and it depends on what movie we’re talking about really doesn’t it? They seem the Interstellar type rather than Transformers 4 which, I think, adds a bit of context”.

Those criticing the current taxation system and similar loopholes contained in future taxes have been told that you’re not allowed to complain because Facebook employs people. This type of employment is believed to be significantly different to the employment created by companies who are wholly tax compliant without paying spurious ‘royalty payments’ to adjoined companies.

A spokesperson for the Government admitted that it is necessary to close these type of loopholes, but he added that ‘who doesn’t love the free toy that comes with the Happy Meal in fairness’.
