Homeless Crisis Not Worth Protesting About, Agrees Society


homeless ireland

THE HOMELESSNESS crisis, which has engulfed many parts of the country has been deemed unimportant by much of society.

Despite an increase of 160% in the number of people sleeping rough in the Nation’s capital, many in Irish society believe their focus and energy is best spent elsewhere.

“Look it, if it was something that affected me, sure I’d be up in arms about it, but it’s not like that stuff happens to people like me,” explained a member of civil society Peter Fenelly.

Upcoming protests against Irish Water are expected to be well attended, but will not be repeated with support for the 230 people sleeping rough in Cork.

The homelessness crisis is not believed to be on par with other crises which many people suffer from including when the queue for their morning coffee is slightly longer than usual.

“Hang on now we’ve a few things to get sorted before this homeless lark,” explained Dubliner Adam Curley, “we’ve got the water shite, then we’ve got the price of pints in town and a few other things”.

While the Fine Gael, Labour coalition’s programme for Government has outlined a commitment to ending homelessness by 2016, state of the art scientific research carried out on behalf of WWN confirms that words on a page alone does not solve the crisis.

Much of the so-called homeless strategy simply aims to reduce the waiting list for social housing and leaves daily interaction with homeless people with charities set up to fill the space left by successive government’s shortcomings.

“Ah yeah, it was good in Tiger days I suppose, when ya had no homeless,” offered member of the public Sean Gillen, “now with this shower in power they’re literally turfing people out onto the streets”.

Public outrage at human beings sleeping rough on the streets has been minimal despite several homeless charities being pushed to breaking point.

“Don’t be guilting me into helping them, I’m not a monster alright. I look the homeless lad right in the eyes when I lie to him and tell him I have no change,” explained serial water charge protester Gavin Mangan.
