Kid To Play It Dangerously By Asking Santy For “A Surprise”


A YOUNG Kilkenny boy today played a very dangerous game by writing his letter to Santa Claus and simply asking for “a surprise”.

Cathal Morrisey, aged seven and a half, appeared cool and calm when composing his annual correspondence with Santa, beginning in traditional fashion by wishing the big man well, and thanking him for last year’s gifts.

The letter then took a reckless turn as the normally reserved young boy declined to make a specific list of what he would like this year, and instead simply left everything in Santa’s hands.

“Since he started coming to me, Santy hasn’t put a foot wrong, ” said Cathal, whose favourite subject in school is art.

“So I’m going to let him do the choosing for me. He knows what I got every year so far, so I’m sure he can use that information to establish a portfolio of toys and games that I would like. Claus has good taste, and I have every faith in him”.

The decision to play fast and loose with his letter has been met with trepidation from Cathal’s parents Sheila and Owen, who now face an agonizing wait until Christmas morning to see if their only child is happy with what Santa brings.

“We tried to get him to even give Santa a clue as to what to bring, you know, like a ballpark area,” said Cathal’s mother.

“But no, he said he’s just going to take a chance and asked for a surprise. Well, we’re certain that Santa will do his best and one way or another, on Christmas morning Cathal will certainly get a surprise”.
