“I’ll Call Around Some Night To Apologise,” Adams Tells Independent Editor


SINN FÉIN leader Gerry Adams has made a dramatic u-turn on a previous ‘joke’ remark relating to the Irish Independent editor being held at gunpoint, stating he will “call around some night to apologise”.

The comment came after increasing pressure on Mr. Adams to retract his remarks made at a party fundraiser in New York, and then online, where he wrote: “And when the Irish Independent condemned his actions as ‘murder most foul’, what did Michael Collins do? He dispatched his men to the office of the Independent and held the editor at gunpoint as they dismantled the entire printing press and destroyed it”.

The Irish politician said today that he will make sure to visit newspaper editor-in-chief, Stephen Rae, at his home in Dublin some night to say sorry for the remarks.

“I’ll give our boy Stevie a wee visit soon enough to clear all this mess up,” Mr. Adams told WWN earlier. “It’s now long overdue and I look forward to discussing the future with him. It’s an awful shame it had to come to this, but I’m quite positive we can reach some sort of peace going forward”.

“I look forward to meeting his pretty wife Anne and their vulnerable young children, Ben and Tom, who go to a lovely little school on the bus everyday unattended,” he added.

Mr Rae (47), a graduate of the DIT School of Journalism as well as a qualified barrister, was unavailable for comment today when we called to his now Garda secured home.
