RTÉ Announce Love/Hate Spinoff ‘Warren’ Peace’ Centred On Nidge’s Son


warren love hate

THE dust had barely settled on the latest series of Love/Hate before speculation began suggesting last night could very well be the show’s final outing.

RTÉ have now all but confirmed these suspicions with their announcement of a Love/Hate spinoff show entitled ‘Warren’ Peace’.

The show will be centred on Nidge’s son Warren as he navigates his way through his late teens, trying to escape the terrible memories of his childhood.

Creator of Love/Hate and Warren’ Peace, Stuart Carolan gave WWN the exclusive on the new series.

“We’ll be taking the most traumatic part of Warren’s childhood as the focal point of the series. When we join him in episode one of Warren’ Peace, he is 17 and still scared by that most painful memory – getting nits,” Carolan explained.

“Warren vows that this will never happen to him again and so dedicates himself to a life being a hairdresser”.

Producers of the show remained tight lipped and refused to take on board fans advice that ‘Ghost Nidge’ should definitely play a part.

“We could draw on flashbacks of course, but if he was to feature in the present day Warren would of course be at the centre of a tug of war between his parents,” added producer Jane Gogan, “Nidge would want his son to follow in his footsteps while Trish encourages Warren to pursue hairdresser as hair extensions need constant upkeep”.

A leaked script from Warren’ Peace which we cannot authenticate suggests a still-alive Nidge petrol bombs at Peter Marks that Warren was scheduled to begin an apprenticeship in.

Warren’ Peace will be on RTÉ in Summer 2015.
